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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Lego Movie Review

I saw Robocop and The Lego Movie on the same day back to back. And to be honest this was the film I was more excited for. I heard AMAZING things from many YouTubers I respect (you will begin to find a theme of my sources and critics).  And rightfully so because this movie was AWESOME!

First of all let's discuss the animation. It is one of the extremely impressive things about the movie. There are only a few things that aren't made out of legos in the movie. The explosions, the water, the clouds are all legos in this movie.

Now the script. YouTuber JeremyJahns said that it shows the script had been written by four or five people. I respectfully disagree. I loved how witty the script was. There were a lot of jokes that only teens and adults would get (for example they make a reference to The Dark Knight and hopefully not many kids have seen that due to Ledger's awesomely terrifying performance) and they have made parodies to a lot of the characters that are made into legos that have existed before like Batman and Green Lantern.

The casting was well done as well. There were a lot of celebrity voices and for the most part they all work. I say for the most part because I couldn't catch them all due to the film's overall fast pace. Some of the Star Wars characters make a small cameo and there played by none other than Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), and Billy De Williams (Lando). The 21 Jump Street duo, Tatum and Hill, protray Superman (Tatum) and Green Lantern (Hill) and it is just hysterical. The original characters for the film were also well cast. The main character Emmit is played by Chris Pratt and I have never seen him in anything before but apparently he is on Parks and Rec. But I've seen his name because he is playing Peter "Star-lord" Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy. But he plays the perfect every man in this film. The other two names that really stood out was the movie's equivalent of the Oracle/Gandalf played by Morgan Freeman. And the second in command bad guy "bad cop" played by the Liam Nesson. I could go on but there are so many great performances I can't mention them all.

This film is EXTREMELY entertaining and so much fun to watch but what really makes this film great is the last 15 minutes. It adds a layer of heart you would have never guessed would come from The Lego Movie. So in conclusion I can't find much wrong with the movie. I am almost positively watch it again. Its already getting a sequel scheduled for May 26, 2017. So check it out while the going's good.

Any movies you want me to review? Put them in the comments or email me at

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