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Friday, February 21, 2014

The Lego Movie Review

I saw Robocop and The Lego Movie on the same day back to back. And to be honest this was the film I was more excited for. I heard AMAZING things from many YouTubers I respect (you will begin to find a theme of my sources and critics).  And rightfully so because this movie was AWESOME!

First of all let's discuss the animation. It is one of the extremely impressive things about the movie. There are only a few things that aren't made out of legos in the movie. The explosions, the water, the clouds are all legos in this movie.

Now the script. YouTuber JeremyJahns said that it shows the script had been written by four or five people. I respectfully disagree. I loved how witty the script was. There were a lot of jokes that only teens and adults would get (for example they make a reference to The Dark Knight and hopefully not many kids have seen that due to Ledger's awesomely terrifying performance) and they have made parodies to a lot of the characters that are made into legos that have existed before like Batman and Green Lantern.

The casting was well done as well. There were a lot of celebrity voices and for the most part they all work. I say for the most part because I couldn't catch them all due to the film's overall fast pace. Some of the Star Wars characters make a small cameo and there played by none other than Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), and Billy De Williams (Lando). The 21 Jump Street duo, Tatum and Hill, protray Superman (Tatum) and Green Lantern (Hill) and it is just hysterical. The original characters for the film were also well cast. The main character Emmit is played by Chris Pratt and I have never seen him in anything before but apparently he is on Parks and Rec. But I've seen his name because he is playing Peter "Star-lord" Quill in Guardians of the Galaxy. But he plays the perfect every man in this film. The other two names that really stood out was the movie's equivalent of the Oracle/Gandalf played by Morgan Freeman. And the second in command bad guy "bad cop" played by the Liam Nesson. I could go on but there are so many great performances I can't mention them all.

This film is EXTREMELY entertaining and so much fun to watch but what really makes this film great is the last 15 minutes. It adds a layer of heart you would have never guessed would come from The Lego Movie. So in conclusion I can't find much wrong with the movie. I am almost positively watch it again. Its already getting a sequel scheduled for May 26, 2017. So check it out while the going's good.

Any movies you want me to review? Put them in the comments or email me at

Guardians of the Galaxy

Most of you have seen a Marvel Film (if you haven't you should) but most people haven't heard of The Guardians of the Galaxy. They are a comic series by Marvel about 5 criminal mercenaries who protect the galaxy including earth from threats. I read the first issue of the rebooted series and I loved it. You should check it out. There is a link to the  trailer here. I'm so psyched! How do you feel about it? comment about it! Also leave suggestions for movie reviews or upcoming movies or movie news you want me to discuss

Top 5 Batman Villians

It is a pretty safe assumption that anyone with a pulse has heard of Batman. Either from the comics, Emmy Award winning television show; to the Arkham video games; to the Burton, Schumacher, or Nolan films and the list goes on. Ever since the 40’s Batman has beautifully walked the line of crime-fighting detective and public offender of vigilance.  But you have to have some pretty menacing threats to keep the faith of Gotham and audiences captivated since 1939. So let’s take a look at my picks for top 5 of Batman’s biggest threats.

5) Ra’s Al Ghul
Now this pick was much harder than the other four but the prime reason I chose this guy is because he is a power house and incredibly skilled. First of all: he is the head of the League of Assassins. Second of all: he is a trained martial artist and a physician. Third: He is immortal and has been around for about 600 years and is accredited with fighting in countless major wars. Fourth: He knows Bruce Wayne is Batman. With all that in mind you would think he’d be higher up on the list. But at his core he is just a radical environmentalist and inertia (the resistance of change) enthusiast. Also Batman beat him in the film Batman Begins when Batman just started being Batman. He wasn’t defeated but he lost that round. In conclusion his experience is what makes him a worthy adversary. But Batman is the only student Ra’s Al Ghul is upped by. 

4) Bane
This is another member of the League of Assassins. But he is like the Darth Vader of that group. He may not be in charge but he is the one everyone remembers. What makes him so menacing is first the obvious: he is ripped. For those of you who have neglected to pick up a comic and chose to have a social life instead, this is for you: Bane was a convict in prison who was forced to be a part of being tested for a super soldier serum called venom.  So basically they were glorified steroids. It increased his muscle mass significantly. I bet it’s the same stuff Captain America used in the Marvel Universe? But it probably isn’t because universe already has Venom. But I digress. He gets hooked on the stuff and in Batman #490 he injects some Venom into the Riddler which makes him able to throw a punch. He wears the mask to have constant dosage of venom. In both the Dark Knight Rises and Batman: Knightfall (a comic in which I own) Bane breaks Batman’s back. Not only that but he is extremely intelligent. Something Batman and Robin neglected to show. He has mastered multiple languages and is a master strategist. He is basically Batman’s superior. Alongside Ghul he also figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman but then again so did everyone in the Dark Knight Rises. Including my number three pick.

3) Catwoman
            Catwoman is my number three pick just based on the interesting relationship she has with the Batman. First of all Batman can never fully figure her out. Kind of like Irene Adler from the Steven Moffat Sherlock series on BBC sometimes she can be helpful and other times she resorts back to being her Cat Burglary self. Not only that but her alter ego Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne are an item; at least for quite some time. But it gets even weirder: neither of them know about each other’s secret identity. The main DC Power couple (no pun intended) is Superman and Wonder Woman but they are the equivalent to your neighbors that always send cookies on your birthday, always out mowing their lawns, they have the best Christmas cards, their kids always behave, etc. (if you don’t have one where you live you’re it) Batman and Catwoman are like the sketchy neighbors. They are more interesting and you always want to know what they are up to. But you’re safer with Superman. And she isn’t only popular with Wayne but she has been in four feature films on my count. The dynamic between the two lovers/enemies pending on the outfit is just great. That’s all there is to it.

2) Two Face
What a coincidence the bad guy obsessed with twos is in the number two spot. He is number two because he was at one point the best of the best. He was a DA that put countless criminals in jail by sticking to the law. And one of the things illustrated in the comics is that Harvey Dent isn’t a particular fan of Batman because he is given leeway by the police to catch criminals with the privilege of “bending” the law. The best illustration of Dent’s transition to Gotham’s white knight to Two Face was best portrayed in graphic novel the Long Halloween. Many people including but not limited to Batman and the Joker believe that Harvey Dent is a killer that is referred to by the press as holiday. I will tell you no more but as Dent works on the Holiday case he falls in this slow descent into madness and anger. But other than when he is trying to work on the case which gets progressively longer, he bought a home and is happy with his wife; which makes the character all the more tragic. And like the reader, Batman/Bruce Wayne knew Harvey Dent and he watched him slowly turn into the monster Gang Boss Maroni only sealed the deal on by throwing acid in his face. The way I see it, Two Face is basically an allegory for the inevitable: the down fall of the best of humanity. Two Face leaves his life to the flip of a coin because the unfairness of life is put into such a deep hole he doesn’t believe in choosing for himself. The turmoil memory of the Harvey Dent you believed in is all the more upsetting when you face the reality that the man is gone.

1)      The Joker
If you didn’t know the number one spot was going to be The Joker than you are as crazy as he is.  He is the complete opposite of Batman in every way from design to motivation. Batman is dressed in all grey and stays towards the shadows nearly silent. The Joker on the other hand is loud, dressed in bright colors, and makes sure you know it was him when he commits a crime. Many of the Batman villains show little to no remorse when they kill. But the Joker, he laughs and enjoys every second of his violent sadistic nature. So he won’t only not hesitate to kill you, he will look forward to it. His henchmen included. After they do what they’re supposed to they are dead weight as far as he is concerned. Another interesting thing about the Batman and Joker is that they both created each other in a sense. Joker, killed Bruce Wayne’s parents which led him to becoming the Batman who fights as the hero Gotham deserves. The Joker’s origin is really unknown except for the fact that Batman had some role in his falling into a vat of toxic waste. The Joker’s only clear motivations are that society is just here to laugh at and an anarchic Gotham is the first step to making Gotham his playground. But he mostly does what he does because he finds death and destruction amusing and funny. The Joker and Batman have this endless cat and mouse game which will never end due to both of them being worthy opponents for each other and they will not kill each other for their own reasons. Batman won’t kill Joker because he refuses to kill and the Joker won’t kill Batman because, according to him, Batman completes him and he wouldn’t have as much fun without him around. The line from The Dark Knight that sums up their relationship perfectly is, “This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object” But above all else there are two things that make the Joker especially terrifying. 1) There is no real way the Joker can lose. If you put him in Arkham, he frolics around laughing away and inevitably escapes. You can’t have him running around Gotham. And if you kill him that appeases his philosophy that man should appeal to their animalistic and instinctive nature. 2) He’s human. We view him as a murderous monster or the clown prince of crime but he is no less human than any of us. We may not reach extremes but the Joker basically symbolizes this could happen to anyone. According to The Killing Joke, he was just a normal guy who worked at a chemical plant before he became the Joker. Just a series of events lead him to the villain we have grown to fear, love, and resent.
Those are just my picks but Batman is easily DC’s best hero and I think it is because of the villains. There are so many iconic villains after you have seen them you will never forget them. So what are your picks for the best Batman bad guys? There is no such thing as a bad- bad guy list when it comes to the Caped Crusader.

Also comment to ask questions or give suggestions for movie reviews or more top 10’s/ top 5’s

Superman Fails

            In the year 1978, Superman made his cinematic debut in the film Superman. Shocking title choice aside, one of the final scenes of the film is Superman reversing the rotation of the earth so he can catch both missiles that Lex Luthor launched to destroy both American coasts. We all know this is impossible but what exactly makes turning back the clock impossible. Well that’s why I’m here! Using the powers of math and science to not to find the troll of a 24th letter of the alphabet (X for those who are singing the song and got to about F) or the pointless ‘how many apples does Johnny have?’ brain teaser but more using math for the pressing issues Superman thrust upon us at the end of the 70’s. Let’s dive in!
            The first issue that needs to be addressed is how to turn back time: you can’t. It’s plain and simple; well at least with Superman’s tactics. In the film, Superman flies around the earth changing the earth’s rotation to turn back time. But the fact of the matter is the rotation of the earth on its axis doesn’t affect the time. Don’t believe me? Consider this: we live in Ohio and we consider night around when it gets dark. But in Alaska, during the summer at least, they get close to twenty four hours of sunlight. So the rotation of the earth can’t affect the time because we subconsciously consider time by where the sun is in the sky. That was how we told time in the early days. While that was all fine and dandy, the earth’s rotation never affected the time. If you really wanted to theoretically bring clocks back a bit, you would have to push the earth clockwise to an earlier position in its orbit. But that doesn’t mean that time travel is impossible.
Einstein’s theory of relativity stated if you got close enough to the speed of light then time would pass much slower for you. That being said Superman would have to approach the speed of light for him to “time travel.” According to, Superman is accredited with traveling at Mach 4. Mach 4 is four times the speed of sound which averages out to about 1361.16 m/s. But I double checked. In the film his first circle completely filmed took approximately one second to travel the circumference of the earth, the distance of which is 24,901 miles! Superman traveled that in a second! But this raises two problems: 1) Superman could have easily caught both of those missiles with time to spare. If he can travel 24,901 miles in a second, then he can easily travel the distance it would require him to catch both missiles which is a little less than 3,000 miles. The second problem is that 24,901 miles in one second is impressive but still nowhere close to the 186,000 miles per second required to reach light speed. And the speed of light rule only applies if you are trying to go farther forward in time, not backwards. As we know it now, we cannot go back in time because the events have already happened.

Now you may be telling yourself, “He is a kryptonian so the rules shouldn’t apply to him. The laws of physics don’t apply to Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern and three of the Green Lanterns are human” I acknowledge the fact that Green Lanterns are human so they can’t say they can fly due to different gravity. But what makes Green Lanterns in the Green Lantern Corps so different and able to bend the rules a little is that it is alien technology. Much like the tesseract from the Avengers, we can’t really argue with its logic because we don’t have one; which is a shame because having a functional Green Lantern ring would be awesome.  But if you are on earth with nothing from another planet besides yourself, you need to follow our laws of physics.
Another argument that you can make is that it’s just a campy movie from the late 70’s. You don’t need to follow logic. And in that you would also have a point. There was a different era of comic book films that preceded the era that we are in today. Comic book films now are much more origin stories and/or character studies that not only focus on the mask (or lack of glasses) but the problems that hero is facing in their regular life making them more human therefore more relatable. But in the 30’s when superhero comic books were first introduce. They had a much different purpose: they were originally supposed to be icons with few or no flaws all kids aspired to be. Captain America was originally made with the purpose of being propaganda. Comic books started to become less campy when Marvel started incorporating moral and social issues at the time into their writing. For example: X-men dealt with discrimination, Iron man with alcoholism and the rise of technology etc. But the end of the campy superhero movies really came with the Batman movies from 1989 to 1997. Tim Burton’s Batman movies were still slightly campy but they had a much darker tone than the Superman films. As they should, Batman is Superman’s contrast. But what really ended that campy superhero movie era was Batman and Robin; which to this day is considered one of the worst films of all time. But the movies that made superheroes cool again were: X-men and Batman begins because they took themselves seriously.
But going back to Superman in the 70’s when he turned back time to save Lois Lane. Even if it did work in the movie, think about the moral implications this had on the viewers of the film. It is basically saying that Superman CAN save anyone and do anything. He basically resurrected a life and let’s kids know that Superman can save those who died in tragic accidents when the fact of the matter is he can’t. It also contradicts the theme his father’s death due to a heart attack in the film that there are some things that Superman can’t do and he has to accept that. One of the lines from the movie is, “All the things I can do. All those powers, and I couldn’t even save him”

In conclusion all superheroes at their core are essentially vigilantes; hypocritically breaking the law to stop someone else from breaking the law. Although other heroes break laws like breaking and entering, harassment, disturbing the peace, tampering with evidence and a lot of property damage; the big laws Superman breaks are the laws of physics.

Comment below with questions or suggestions for movie reviews or more posts like this one!

Robocop Movie Review (2014)

    Before the new Robocop movie came out, YouTube (or at least the channels I watch) exploded. People were outraged about some of the directing choices made in the trailer but mostly that it was PG-13. For those of you who do not know the original Robocop from 1987 was rated R and for good reason.

But the internet's outrage over the rating is ridiculous because first of all, a PG-13 rated Robocop would introduce a larger younger audience to the franchise. Second of all, if this is the direction they want to take, you can't blame the rating. Finally even though it is called a remake, it seems like more of a reboot because Robocop is a franchise and it is being re-imagined and taken in a new direction.

So I tried walking into the Robocop reboot with an open mind but I couldn't help being a little nervous. But before I saw the new one, I felt it was only fair that I saw the original first so I could compare the two of them. I thought it was okay. It wasn't a bad movie but it wasn't necessarily good either. It just seemed like a mindless action movie but which is all fine and dandy until Die Hard (the first among the 5 and the billions more to come) took the cake because it was the better action movie. Robocop (1987) didn't take advantage of the subject matter from a writing or a story perspective.

Now the reboot: I thought it was better than the original in many ways. First of all, it was well updated in this day and age since the last one came out a little over 25 years ago. And it brought up the interesting subject matter of 'should machines be able to enforce the law' making it more sci fi than just an action film. This film also had more of a structure than the original Robocop. This film seemed more like an origin story than the first one did. In the original, the majority of the second act was mostly just Robocop finding crimes and stopping them.

My only problems would be the original had better action sequences. In these kinds of film, practical effects makes the danger seem more real than if weapon ammunition is CGI. Although most of the dialogue is great, one of the characters keeps calling Robocop 'Tin Man' which kind of gets old after the fourth consecutive time he says it. The film also didn't leave the concept of 'robots/machines enforcing the law' as open ended as I would have hoped. They do take more of a pro stance on the machines enforcing the law but I think it would have been better to spend just as much time on the opposing argument. The antagonist was kind of just thrown in at the end of the film which through me off guard. My last problem was for a Robocop movie, I didn't really focus on Robocop as I felt like I should've. I cared more about Gary Oldman's and Michael Keaton's characters (because they kill it in their roles).

But all in all both of these Robocop movies are worth checking out once but if I had to watch another again I would have to choose the remake.

Comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for movie reviews in the future.


Greetings to my blog! Welcome to Nerd Reviewing Movies which is just as self explanatory as you would imagine. I will review movies, let you know about new movie information, and just give my opinion on various things in the world of cinema. So feel free to look around and comment on posts asking questions or requesting movies you want me and the people of the internet to watch. So have fun and keep loving movies!

This is my personal movie collection as of right now
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Batman Begins
The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight Rises
Batman the Animated series Volume 1 Discs 1-4
The Matrix
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions
Family Guy Blue Harvest
Family Guy Something Something Something Dark Side
Family Guy It's a Trap