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Friday, June 27, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Review

Alright, after I saw Cap 2 I was pumped for the superhero movie year. All the trailers for Spiderman looked fantastic and from one source I heard this was the Dark Knight of Spiderman. So I was pumped! But then mediocre reviews were coming out. I was starting to get nervous. When I saw the movie I thought it was good. However I was disappointed.

Before I tell you what I thought of this one, I should probably tell you what I thought of the first of the Amazing Spiderman saga. I love the first movie. It was a breath of fresh air from the Raimi movies which I'm not overly fond of as a whole so I was immune to the powers of Spiderman 3. Right after I saw The Amazing Spiderman I looked up all I could about Spiderman and checked if a sequel was in development. When I saw it was I went bananas.

The good things in this movie are the performances are top notch. Especially Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Dane Dehaan. The visual effects were also really cool and the slow motion and directorial choices were used effectively. The relationship between Gwen and Peter was handled perfectly. I am really happy Mary Jane wasn't introduced in this one because it would have been a distraction oppose to helping the film. One of the other really good things was it got me excited for the sequel. Which at its core, is what a movie is supposed to do.

The problems I had with the film was just the character Rhino. He was too over the top and inconsistent with the tone  the first one had and this film was trying to establish. Jamie Foxx as Max was a little too over the top. But my two biggest problems with the film were: 1) Do you remember that story in the first one about him trying to find his parents that seemed like it was going to be an over arching story through out the franchise. Completely resolved. In two scenes. And the way it was resolved is a spoiler but I hated it so much! 2) The advertising it this movie just went on and on and on and on. It got me so excited for the movie and there were scenes in the trailer  that weren't even in the movie! I won't tell you the scene but it made me really angry.

Although I bash this movie a little, its still worth seeing in theaters. Its a fun time and I'd like to own it on DVD.  What did you think about it? Also what other movies should I review? Let me know in comments!
Thanks for reading and I'll be back soon with my next review!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. High School has a hobby of free time consumption. Now on with the review!

One of my favorite film genres that has arisen from the ashes of the twenty-first century is the comic book film and the first of the year was Captain America: The Winter Soldier. As the film approached it was the comic book movie I was looking forward to the least. Not because I didn't like Captain America, it's just because I wanted to see Spiderman, Guardians of the Galaxy and X-men more. I didn't see much in the trailers but so I didn't really know what to expect. When critics started to see it and some said its better than the Avengers, some said its better than The Dark Knight and all of the critics gave it some of thier higher end if not highest ratings. the lowest grade I've seen is an 8 out of 10 from ONE person.

So at this point I'm pretty excited. When I saw it how did it turn out? It met my expectations and surpassed them. The film is very political which I wasn't thrilled about on Phantom Menace but  here is the difference between good political movies and bad ones (in my opinion). A good political movie has changes or ways of carrying them out that effects a character in some way and you also have to care about the character. The word character even (phonetically) has the word CARE in it. In Phantom Menace (which I believe is a disgrace to cinema) said the word negotiations like a billion times! No seriously count how many times they say negotiations in that film. That should be the ONLY reason why you watch that movie (again in my opinion). But I digress but what makes you care about these people isn't only the writing but the performances. I thought all of the performances were top knotch and the chemistry between everyone was just great. There were two performances that surprised me: Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Anthony Mackee as Falcon. Johansson was one of the Avengers I didn't particularly care about. She was kind of cool but in Avengers she seemed like the most serious one in a group of quirky characters so she came off as uninteresting by comparison. But in this film she stepped it up so much not only her performance but her arch as a character was so cool to see in the script. And Anthony Mackee, he blew me out of the water because going in I thought he was going to play this way over the top like a Chris Brown or an Eddie Murphey because the trailers kind of made him look like the comic relief which was followed by critic confirmation. But he was a light hearted character who came from a similar place as Steve Rogers.The action is also spectacular. I know that his shield is just a glorified frisbee but holy flufferballs its so cool! So in conclusion I can find very few problems if any, and I'd suggest seeing it a couple times in theatres. This was a great way to kick off the comic book movies of the year. What's next? Spiderman!

Put what you thought of Captain America 2 in comments along with other movies to review and other movie-ish things to discuss!